CORECO S.A. is a Spanish company whose activity is the manufacturing of cooling equipment for the hospitality sector, nowadays with a commercial presence in more than 70 countries. We have more than 30 years of experience in the sector therefore we are able to provide to the hospitality professionals high quality equipment for their business. CORECO S.A. has developed a more contemporary brand restyling proposal, appropriate to the present and to new technologies.
The symbol of the original brand has been respected, keeping the element of the world globe but showing it with an aesthetic more current, with a cleaner and more balanced appearance.
We have respected the brand original colors as well, although we have made variants of tones that lead to a visual aspect, more striking and dynamic.
The red color symbolizes strength, power, dynamism, humanity. Characters that perfectly describe the personality of our brand and our company.
The blue color represents the cold which CORECO S.A. equipment generates. Cold is the central element of the company, all our philosophy, brand image and products revolve around it. CORECO S.A. range offers the proper temperature conditions for the hospitality business.
The general use of white (generated with the space created by the graphic elements of the brand when placed on a white background) provides a clean and balanced image.
White is a symbol of purity and perfection, at the same time it is the real color of ice.
The brand has been developed with a modulated and elegant typeface. A typography generated with updated ways, more quadrangular and that confer visual importance to the brand image, modernity and power. It is a balanced and thick typeface.
A typeface with a variant of the original blue color, with darker nuances that denote strength, power, dynamism and updating. An evolution that shows that CORECO S.A. always moves forward, growing and transforming over time to adapt to new technologies.
The new brand image symbolizes CORECO S.A. as a prestigious company, distinguished and adapted to new technologies. A brand belonging to a company that grows positively and exponentially over time.